Results for 'Nagīna Jī Śāha'

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  1.  19
    Jaina theory of multiple facets of reality and truth =.NagīnaŚāha (ed.) - 2000 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers & Bhogilal Leherchand Institute of Indology.
    REVIEWS: This is a very helpful volume and a good addition to contemporary scholarship on the valuable and little-known Jaina contribution to philosophy. Prof.Nagin Shah has edited the book well, including clear introduction and a very complete index.
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    Vāmadhvajavinirmitā Saṅketaṭīkā tayā sahitaḥ Udayanācāryanibaddhaḥ Nyāyakusumāñjaliḥ =.NagīnaŚāha - 2013 - Ahmedabad: L.D. Institute of Indology. Edited by Nagīna Jī Śāha, Jitendra Śāha & Vāmadhvaja.
    Treatise, with commentary, on the basic tenets of the Nyaya school in Hindu philosophy.
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    A study of Jayanta Bhaṭṭa's Nyāyamañjarī, a mature Sanskrit work on Indian logic.Nagin Ji Saha - 1992 - Ahmedabad: Can be had from, Parshva Prakashan.
    Critical study of the commentary on Gautama's Nyāyasūtra, aphoristic work of the Nyaya school in Hindu philosophy.
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    Jaina philosophy and religion.Nagin Ji Saha - 1998 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Bhogilal Lehar Chand Institute of Indology & Mahattara Sadhvi Shree Mrigavatiji Foundation.
    The present work is the English translation of Muni Nyayavijayaji`s (A.D. 1890-1970) original Gujarati work `Jaina Darsana` which has run into twelve editions. No one has ever explained the Jaina concepts of nine `reals`, six substances, causation, spiritual attitude, spiritualness, non-violence, austerity, God, Karma, non-absolutism, relativity of commandments, etc. as interestingly and lucidly as Nyayavijayaji has done. The work reveals his stupendous scholarship, his positive approach, his non-sectarian outlook, his wisdom and competence in attempting synthesis of conflicting views, his mastery (...)
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    Advaita Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Outline of Indian Non-Realism (review). [REVIEW]Sukharanjan Saha - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (2):264-268.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Advaita Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Outline of Indian Non-RealismS. R. SahaAdvaita Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Outline of Indian Non-Realism. By Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2002. Pp. xii + 274. Hardcover $75.00.Chakrabarthi Ram-Prasad deserves praise for Advaita Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Outline of Indian Non-Realism, a book on the core area of Advaita Vedānta philosophy, written in an analytical and comparative style, choosing contemporary Western philosophy as his canvas. (...)
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    Elovin ā jīvakayā saha venat hētuvādī lipi.Dharmapāla Sēnāratna - 2009 - Gotatụva Nava Nagaraya: [Dharmapāla Senāratna].
    Articles on rationalist movement in Sri Lanka.
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    (1 other version)Marxism as product of the age of the steam engine.Ji?I. Marek - 1986 - Studies in East European Thought 32 (2):155-161.
  8. Wang ji ji.Ji Wang - 2007 - Nanjing Shi: Feng huang chu ban she. Edited by Zhen Wu.
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    Huang Ji jiao yu si xiang lun yao =.Ji Huang - 2016 - Fuzhou: Fujian jiao yu chu ban she. Edited by Zhongying Shi & Chao Yu.
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    Daidōji Yūzan's code of the samurai: a contemporary dual-language edition of the Budō shoshinshū.Yūzan Daidōji - 2007 - Berkeley, Calif.: Ulysses. Edited by A. L. Sadler.
    For almost 700 years shoguns ruled Japan. These "gentleman warriors" developed a dedicated system of honor and strict guidlelines of behavior that Taira Shigesuke first brought together in his 16th century book—Bushido Shoshinshu. Present to a modern audience in clear, easy-to-read English, this new translation captures the majesty of the higher principles as well as the usefulness of the daily advice. From principles such as "a samurai should keep foremost in his mind the fact that he must die" to rules (...)
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  11. Ji Xianlin xue shu wen hua sui bi.Xianlin Ji - 1996 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Yōji kyōiku no shisō.Masako Shōji - 1990 - Tōkyō-to Machida-shi: Tamagawa Daigaku Shuppanbu.
  13.  28
    Constitutionalism at the Nexus of Life and Law.Krishanu Saha, Sheila Jasanoff & J. Benjamin Hurlbut - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (6):979-1000.
    This essay introduces a collection of articles gathered under the theme of “law, science, and constitutions of life.” Together, they explore how revolutions in notions of what biological life is are eliciting correspondingly revolutionary imaginations of how life should be governed. The central theoretical contribution of the collection is to further elaborate the concept of bioconstitutionalism, which draws attention to especially consequential forms of coproduction at the law–life nexus. This introduction offers a theoretical discussion of bioconstitutionalism. It explores the constitutional (...)
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  14. "Yue ji" "Sheng wu ai le lun" zhu yi yu yan jiu.Zhongde Cai & Kang Ji - 1997 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhongguo mei shu xue yuan chu ban she. Edited by Kang Ji.
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  15. Ji Zhe wen ji.Zhe Ji - 2005 - Singapore: You lian shu ju si ren you xian gong si. Edited by Yida Ji & ji Zhe.
    shang ji. Xunzi tong lun -- xia ji. Zhu zi zhuan jian zheng.
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  16. Problema prichinnosti v filosofii i biologii.Nagina Abdrakhmanovna Musabaeva - 1962 - Alma-Ata,: Izd-vo Akademii nauk Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
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  17. Moore's Linguistic Turn.D. Saha - 1998 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 25 (3):341-348.
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  18.  25
    Lust, Caution, and Enlightenment: A Reexamination of Su Wukong's Sexuality in Xiyou ji.Ji Hao - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (4):911-930.
    The formation of the character of Sun Wukong has remained one of the most controversial issues in the field of Xiyou ji studies. While acknowledging that different strands might have fed into the image of Sun Wukong in the sixteenth- century novel Xiyou ji, this paper calls attention to complex and sometimes contradictory representations of Sun Wukong’s sexuality and explores the mechanism of displacement that subtly operates in the novel and reveals itself through such representations. It further demonstrates the dual (...)
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  19.  6
    Ji Xianlin shuo he xie ren sheng.Xianlin Ji - 2007 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo shu dian.
    什么样的人生才算是幸福完满的人生,按季羡林的说法是和谐人生,那么怎样的人生才算是和谐,我们该如何面对压力,如何消防除人与人之间的可怕的隔膜,如何处理友情与爱情等,大师季羡林将为读者揭开其中的奥秘,告诉 您如何好好的度过一生.
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    (1 other version)Ji Xianlin tan ren sheng.Xianlin Ji - 2007 - Beijing Shi: Dang dai Zhongguo chu ban she.
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  21. An ultimate wealth for inauspicious times: Holy relics in rescue of manuel II palaeologus' reign.Sophia Mergiali-Sahas - 2006 - Byzantion 76:264-275.
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  22.  19
    An Introduction to the Daśaślokī of Śaṃkara and Its Commentary Siddhāntabindu by Madhusūdana Sarasvatī.Niranjan Saha - 2017 - Sophia 56 (2):355-365.
    The aim of this short article is to introduce a topical text called the Daśaślokī of Ᾱdi Śaṃkara, widely known as Śaṃkara and its only available commentary the Siddhāntabindu by Madhusūdana Sarasvatī. While these two classics delineate in a nutshell the basic tenets of Advaita Vedānta philosophy and are placed with great significance in the tradition, very little work on them, particularly those based on textual study, has been done in modern scholarship. Thus, the article, without going into much detail (...)
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  23.  35
    Learning from the ethnic conflict and the internal displacement in Tripura in Northeast India.K. C. Saha - 2002 - Human Rights Review 3 (3):50-64.
    The ethnic conflict between tribals and non-tribals compounded by the insurgency has disturbed the peace in the state for more than 20 years and also resulted in the internal displacement of thousands of people. In order to restore peace and to prevent future internal displacement it would be necessary to give to the tribals their due share in governance.
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  24. Perspectives on Consciousness.Sukharanjan Saha - 2003 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
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    Socio-religious essays in Advaita Vedanta.Sukharanjan Saha - 2009 - Kolkata: Jadavpur University.
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  26. Time and its knowledge.Sukha Ranjan Saha - 2009 - In Priyadarshi Patnaik, Suhita Chopra & Damodar Suar, Time in Indian cultures: diverse perspectives. New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
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    Unestablished Probans in Nyaya.Sukharanjan Saha - 2004 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 9:101-112.
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  28. Śrī Śrījī Bābā abhinandana grantha.Śrījī Bābā & Vinaya (eds.) - 1988 - Bambaī: Śrī Śrījī Bābā Abhinandana Samiti.
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  29. Green Companies or Green Con-panies: Are Companies Really Green, or Are They Pretending to Be?Monica Saha & Geoffrey Darnton - 2005 - Business and Society Review 110 (2):117-157.
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    Epistemology in pracina and Navya Nyaya.Sukharanjan Saha - 2003 - Kolkata: Jadavpur University.
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    Determinants of pill failure in rural Bangladesh.Unnati Rani Saha, M. A. Khan, Moarrita Begum & Radheshyam Bairagi - 2004 - Journal of Biosocial Science 36 (1):39-50.
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    (1 other version)Ethical challenges for the biomedical engineer of the future.Pamela Saha - forthcoming - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine: An International Journal.
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    Meaning of the First Person Pronoun.Sukharanjan Saha - 2008 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 13:87-110.
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    Meeting Report: 9th International Conference on Ethics in Biology, Engineering, and Medicine.Subrata Saha & Pamela Saha - 2021 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 12 (1):175-213.
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  35. Swami vivekananda's vision of harmony and peace.Debika Saha - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri, In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 1--317.
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    Translation and Elucidation of Definitions of Svaprakāśatva in Citsukha's Tattvapradīpikā.Sukharanjan Saha - 1997 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 2:88-142.
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    The philosophy of the vāllabha school of vedānta (review).Shandip Saha - 2010 - Philosophy East and West 60 (1):pp. 128-129.
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    The Thesis of Ninikalpaka in Nyaya and Vaisesiḳa.Sukharanjan Saha - 2000 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 5:111-124.
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    Zhe xue zai shi ji sheng huo zhong de wei zhi: ruo gan re dian nan dian di si suo.Ji Li (ed.) - 1991 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
    Discussing how to use philosophy as a tool of communist ideological propaganda in China.
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  40. Zhi zhe di si lu: er shi shi ji xi fang zhe xue si wei fang shi.Cuibao Sun & Guoxiang Ji (eds.) - 1989 - Shanghai: Fu dan da xue chu ban she.
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    Advaita theory of illusion.Sukharanjan Saha - 1982 - Calcutta: Progressive Publishers.
    Study of the concept of illusion, arising out of ignorance.
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  42. Hesitant neutrosophic soft set relations.Abhijit Saha - 2020 - In Florentin Smarandache & Said Broumi, Neutrosophic Theories in Communication, Management and Information Technology. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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  43. Inner sense and 'higher order consciousness': An indian perspective.Sukharanjan Saha - 2003 - In Amita Chatterjee, Perspectives on Consciousness. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal.
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    Performance modelling of an electro-adsorption chiller.B. B. Saha, A. Chakraborty, S. Koyama, K. C. Ng & M. A. Sai - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (23):3613-3632.
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    Institutional Pillars and Corruption at the Societal Level.Ji Li, Jane Moy, Kevin Lam & W. L. Chris Chu - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):327-339.
    This article studies the effects of social institutions on organizational corruption at the societal level by focusing on the possible interactions between the institutional pillars that have been identified in past research. Based on these three institutional aspects or pillars, this article tests the interactive effects of social institutions among societies throughout the world. The results suggest that the three institutional pillars have significant interactive effects on organizational corruption at the societal level. A discussion of the implications of the research (...)
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    Control of Chaotic Calcium Oscillations in Biological Cells.Quanbao Ji & Min Ye - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-7.
    The contribution of this present paper is to propose a method that combines a chemical Brusselator reaction-diffusion system with a biological cell system via gap junction for controlling and visualizing the frequency and magnitude of chaotic intracellular calcium oscillations in two cell types, including nonexcitable cells and the glial cells. This produces a wide variety of oscillatory behaviors similar to those reported in numerous biological experiments. We particularly show that in the majority of chaos cases, the reactor to cell coupling (...)
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    Adsorption characteristics of parent and copper-sputtered RD silica gels.B. B. Saha, A. Chakraborty, S. Koyama, J. -B. Lee, J. He & K. C. Ng - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (7):1113-1121.
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    A Survey of Modern Scholars’ Views on Śaṃkara’s Authorship of the Bhagavadgītābhāṣya.Niranjan Saha - 2016 - Sophia 55 (4):573-576.
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    Gaṅgeśa on Self-Mentioning Words.Sukharanjan Saha - 1994 - In A. Chakrabarti & B. K. Matilal, Knowing from Words. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 367--384.
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    Meaning, truth, and prediction, a reconstruction of Nyaya semantics.Sukharanjan Saha - 1991 - Calcutta: Jadavpur University, Calcutta in collaboration with K.P. Bagchi & Co..
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